


The energies and directions for the month of September evolve around possibilities It is about stepping outside of our present way of thinking – seeing – feeling and to envision whatever it is that we want to create for ourselves. It is time to open ourselves to new possibilities! Do read on…

Part of the changes that are taking place right now, here on this planet and within our energetic sphere, within our personal, professional and spiritual experiences, is us staying open to what we see is possible. Not because we have proof it will happen, but in just allowing our heart’s knowingness to guide us and direct us to respond to what comes in front of us. What is coming up in our lives? What are we dealing with? There is just so much going on with each and every one of us in many ways. Much drama out there for sure!

What is important, particularly this month, is our willingness to see the possibilities. Don’t get stuck with “this is the way it is!” Remember that a willingness to see new possibilities will bring them closer. At the same time, it’s important to not resist what is. (A great mantra to use is: “I don’t mind what happens.” It’s one of my favorites and comes in especially handy when things don’t turn out as expected!) Be willing to accept what is and at the same time allow yourself to see new possibilities of what can be, in moving forward

Another thing to remember is that the changes we want in our life will start coming in when we are willing to go beyond our accepted beliefs and old patterns, that which we maintain from our past conditioning. These conditioned beliefs and old patterns can keep us stuck. We need to be able to transcend them if we want to give new possibilities a chance to take shape.

The more we learn about ourselves and about how we react or respond to different situations, the more we will be able to consciously change how we react or respond in the future. We can choose to be more forgiving, more compassionate and more supportive. In making that choice, the more we will be able to personally develop and manifest that which we are wanting.

This Oracle has come to you to encourage you to declare your vision!!! To see the possibilities. To identify the areas where you know, in your heart, that something new is waiting to be created. Have the courage to transcend your old patterns and beliefs. Then, explore the possibilities; see what commitments you can make to add momentum to bringing them into existence. Dream big, Dear Ones, dream big!

Let your mantra for this month be: I AM envisioning all the possibilities through my heart’s knowingness and thereby creating my future … And So It Is!!!



Darity Wesley is an author, lawyer, speaker, death diva and Modern Day Oracle and experiences life to its fullest. A long time traveler on the spiritual, metaphysical, esoteric and personal development path, Darity has transformed her life many times in many ways.

She offers ~The Weekly Oracle~ to subscribers around the world, for free. If you would like to subscribe to her Weekly Oracle, simply email her at Darity@DarityWesley.com and put Subscribe in the Subject Line.

Having concluded a fabulous 35 year legal career as a privacy and information security guru and business lawyer, Darity has now transitioned into focusing full time on the creation of her Modern Day Oracle Wisdom Teaching Series™.

Darity’s first book, You Can Transform Your Life is an Award Winner 

And her Companion Workbook, You Can Transform Your Life ~ Go Deeper are both available on Amazon.  Click here: http://amzn.to/2DBFkaC

In collaboration, with her treasured friend Cristina Smith and Cristina’s Puzzle Master brother, Rick Smith, The Word Search Oracle – Yoga for the Brain was created. It is a fun, enjoyable puzzle book featuring Modern Day Oracle™ messages by Darity Wesley. What makes this book unique is that once all words have been found, a hidden message is revealed; a powerful mantra to affirm the Oracle reading. Have fun while being inspired!

Also Available on Amazon. Click here: http://amzn.to/2D3QjbH

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