5 Reasons Why I’m Climbing for a Cure to Cancer

Climbing for a Cure

5 Reasons Why I’m Climbing for a Cure to Cancer

Contributed by: Renee Wagner

Renee Wagner Climbs for a cause


Climbing for a Cure

Why I’m Setting Out to Climb the #6 Most Dangerous Hikes in America?

These are 5 of my reason why I’m Climbing for a Cure!

Reason 1: 

If you’re going to get Cancer, this is the one to have. Seriously, the doctor’s said that. But you know what, they were right. Not only was it non-invasive, but I also had fortunate life circumstances: I’m determined, in strong physical and mental condition, have good insurance, a supportive employer, and network, no husband to leave me, no kids to need me – and yet I found myself crying at times, just wishing the phone would ring with good news. If I felt that weak and in need of a vacation, imagine how someone less fortunate feels.

Reason 2:

After receiving my diagnosis I stood on top of Iron Mountain pleading with God for my life – work never crossed my mind, my personal accomplishments never crossed my mind – for those that know me, I know that’s hard to believe – all I wanted was one more minute, one more day with the people I love. I wanted to go back to Hawaii one more time with my cousin Katie.

Reason 3:

Advocate for yourself with your healthcare providers and with your friends. Some people won’t know how to support you, especially if they are younger, and this is the first medical scare in their world. Communicate; be open about what you’re going through and what you need.

Reason 4:

Take care of yourself, rest, relaxation (vacations are so important) – I wish I would’ve taken photos of my scar healing so I could share a time-lapse of the healing process. You would see what I say, the weeks I wore myself down that the scar actually got worse. Those were the times I would say to myself “the scar’s upset, time to get back on track.” The times I drank lots of water, did lots of yoga, relaxed with friends – that’s when the scar healed from the inside out.

Reason 5:

Know how to give yourself closure on a traumatic life event – it wasn’t a death sentence, so learn, move on, grow, forgive that it happened to you – but don’t forget it – figure out how you’re going to make it the best thing that ever happened to you. My scar will fade. But the life lessons should not. That’s why I’m doing this climb. Jacque may be getting the week vacation, but she is giving me a lifetime memory to cherish.


After Jacque’s first battle with breast cancer Send Me On Vacation was able to send her on an amazing vacation with her 2 young boys to the Westgate Dude Ranch and Westgate Orlando Resort. A year later, Jacque was diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time. This incredible single mother has endured 7 surgeries, 15 moves, being homeless for 4 months and all the while going to college to provide for her boys. She graduates shortly from UC Irvine! She has overcome and accomplished more than anyone I have ever known. It’s an honor and a privilege for Send Me On Vacation to know her, love her and bring joy to her into her life through an amazing vacation experience!

Please help send Jacque on her dream vacation to Hawaii. Click here to donate or visit our page to donate to one of our other programs.

Send Me On Vacation

Send Me On Vacation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that provides financially disadvantaged breast cancer survivors the opportunity to initiate the process of emotional healing through a vacation experience. Send Me On Vacation empowers survivors to reconnect with themselves on a rejuvenating vacation. Our vacation experiences have a profound effect on rebuilding the lives of breast cancer survivors after treatment. Our vacations are designed to strengthen the body, stimulate the mind and heal the spirit, creating a transformative journey into health and wellness.

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