


The energies and directions for this month are pointing us to implement and practice trust, with a capital T. Begin each morning of each and every day this month with a commitment to Trust – the process, your Spirit, the Universe, God, your angels, others to be who they are, the synchronicity of everything.

Trust, at a spiritual level, is the integration of your wisdom and your strength, both of which you possess with full measure, to support you each and every step through this month. As I find myself saying every month, there is just absolutely so much going on out there in each and every life. I do not know anyone who is not being challenged in some or many ways right now! So please know, you are not alone at all and, therefore, it is really important that you Trust whatever comes your way this month because so much is happening! In that vein, do read on…

This Oracle is here to support you in doing something you may have been unwilling to do or a path you have been unwilling to travel. It is time for you to trust … to trust yourself, to trust those who wish to help and be of service to you, as well as your very own Spirit, your God, your guides, your angels, all the intuitive energy that flows in, to and through you. This energy of Trust coming in for you this month will support you finding that the doors to the New Reality really have been flung wide open and all the opportunities, all the paths, all the roads, all the challenges that have come your way, are there for your very own evolution. Doors have opened to new levels of consciousness and doors have closed to old ways of being, all of which are making you primed and ready for action! Are you ready?

Well, ready or not, here it comes!!! In order to keep your head or heart, as the case may be, around what is coming energetically to you in these particular experiences you are having this month, you will find that the more you trust, the more you rely on the infinite wisdom within your spirit, the more able you will be to place your feet on the paths to accomplish and achieve your desires and your wildest dreams.

“Trust,” so you know, is defined in the English language as a confident expectation of something. It is also defined as a reliance on the integrity, strength, and ability of a person or thing. In the metaphysical perspective, that reliance is, of course, on yourself, your angels and guides, your Divine connection. It follows our practice of “Change” last month and brings us again to the foundation that with trust and with confidence we can have the perception and knowledge that there are indeed things beyond human eyes that you can actually feel and know.

Trust is a critical component of your spiritual practice this entire month. Tape the word to your bathroom mirror, put it in your mobile device where you can see it, post it on the dashboard of your car. It is so important this month to allow your wildest dreams to begin manifestation by trusting each step of the way, following your heart in decisions, following your heart with people, what to do, where to go, what about this, what about that? Trust, trust, trust, trust. Alleviate anxiety by simply trusting your wisdom, your knowingness, your divine connection to all that is.

So many times you allow your mind, your logic, to sway you with wonderful arguments or rationalizations. Or you have conversations with yourself about what you should do in this case, or what you should do in that case, you have always done it this way, or that way or you can’t do this or you can’t do that … what I call “The Committee” directing, guiding, “thinking” it knows what is right for you in these circumstances. At the heart level you know it does not know, but you have been trained to believe it. This is what I call the monkey mind! And we need to tame that monkey mind!

As you grow and develop and mature personally, professionally and spiritually, you come to the realization, the understanding, that so much of supposedly “logical” thought processes are really learned, conditioned patterns of thought, “ruts,” if you will, where thoughts go over and over through the same, easier, less scary paths. In order to bust out of those “ruts” in the mind, you must allow your Spirit, your heart, your gut to participate, without anxiety. You have to shut it down. You have to Trust!

Understand and know that it takes real live courage to trust in the manner we are discussing here and this is exactly what your own deep wisdom is asking of you now. Whatever is happening in your life right now, you are to know, no matter how tough, it is leading you to expanded opportunities for love and growth. You are to trust your process.

Let your mantra for this month be: Love and trust are renewable energies because they flow from Divine Source. I AM in alignment with and trust my path every step of the way … And So It Is!!!

Love from the Lotus World <333,



Darity Wesley is an award-winning author, lawyer, speaker, Death Diva and Modern Day Oracle. She is an innovator and advocate for conscious dying, becoming your True Self and birthing the New Reality.

Darity recently concluded a successful 35-year legal career, and is now focusing full time on writing the Modern Day Oracle Wisdom Teaching Series™. Through this series, Darity provides guidance and support to those seeking personal growth and/or spiritual transformation. She brings a perspective that is wise and experienced, having traveled the spiritual, metaphysical, esoteric and personal development path for many decades.

Her Modern Day Oracle™ publications have been inspiring readers around the world since 2006. Her NEW subscription service ~The Monthly Oracle~  focuses on the current energy for each month, and provides valuable information, tips and encouragement for those who are seeking personal empowerment and expanded spiritual awareness.

If you would subscribe to ~The Monthly Oracle~, or sign up to be added to Darity’s Modern Day Oracle mailing list, please visit her website and subscribe!

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Darity’s first book, You Can Transform Your Life, is an award winning book designed to to take you on a journey of personal growth and spiritual transformation. The companion workbook, You Can Transform Your Life ~ Go Deeper, is for those seeking a more in-depth exploration of the transformation process. Available on Amazon. Click here:


The second book in the series, How To Be the REAL You, helps you to break free from old patterns of conditioning and awaken to a greater sense of personal freedom and empowerment. The companion workbook, How To Be the REAL You ~ Go Deeper, is for those seeking a more in-depth exploration of the self-awakening process. Both available on AmazonClick here:

Darity is also the featured author in The Word Search Oracle – Yoga for the Brain, a puzzle book featuring Modern Day Oracle™ messages by Darity Wesley. Have fun while being inspired!

Also Available on Amazon. Click here:

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