


The energies and directions are evolving around paying attention to new and interesting Connections that may be coming in.

Part of the energy of connection is walking our path with an open, broad view of everything before us. Having an alertness to our surroundings and being available for connection, all without fear, yet with discernment, knowing, without judgment, that this, whatever we are connecting with at the moment, is right for us … or, that this it is not right for us. Becoming more aware of the connections we are having at any given moment, with people and with the world around us opens us to new possibilities. Closing ourselves off stops all the energies from flowing.

Connection is like the concept of synchronicity in the sense that all things come together to a certain time or location where we know, in our hearts, this is something to pay attention to. It is not merely a coincidence. There really is no such a thing as coincidence or an accident. Everything that does happen, happens exactly like it meant to happen whether we like it or not, and sometimes we do not. While this may be hard for some of us to believe, it is a tenet of the spiritual journey of accepting responsibility for our reality, as that is our soul journey. We can then connect with whatever feelings or emotions come up about any of it and then learn and grow and evolve by the exploration.

Many feel guilty about taking responsibility for their lives: “Why would I create this reality?” “I wouldn’t, this is nothing I would want” – but accepting responsibility does not necessarily mean knowing the reason things happen the way they do or feeling bad or guilty about “what is.” It is important to know there are soul choices that are made and for now we have, right in front of us, in this time and space, the option to change things or do something different, or to respond in a different way than we have before.

We are now being afforded opportunities to connect, to see these choices for real right in front of us and we will know: ”Ah ha! This is one of those connections.” More and more, as we focus on being connected with the people, places and things we want in your life or to connect so we can finish with it, purge it, love it but eliminate certain people, places and things, we will feel that connection to the right choice at the right time. We are to do such and so or we are to choose such and so – whatever applies for our life situation as it is right in front of at the time!

So many times we may over think, over analyze, rationalize and pretty much beat things to death in our monkey mind eventually distorting our feelings, thought processes and possibilities to fit what we think “should” be so or what others have told us to think or do. Now is a time of trueness. Now is a time of connecting to our own authenticity – who WE are and how WE portray ourselves out to the world. How do we express our True Selves from the Heart level.

Openness, connectedness to all living things will bring us more and more to the life we want to experience, the life we want to have as our part in this New Reality being born. We are integrating new ways of looking at the world and all that is in it.

Let your mantra for this month be: I AM connecting with what I need and want at the right time and the right place, in synchronicity with my Divine Essence. All is Well In My World … And So It Is!!!



Darity Wesley is an award-winning author, lawyer, speaker, Death Diva and Modern Day Oracle. She is an innovator and advocate for conscious dying, becoming your True Self and birthing the New Reality.

Darity recently concluded a successful 35-year legal career, and is now focusing full time on writing the Modern Day Oracle Wisdom Teaching Series™. Through this series, Darity provides guidance and support to those seeking personal growth and/or spiritual transformation. She brings a perspective that is wise and experienced, having traveled the spiritual, metaphysical, esoteric and personal development path for many decades.

Her Modern Day Oracle™ publications have been inspiring readers around the world since 2006. Her NEW subscription service ~The Monthly Oracle~  focuses on the current energy for each month, and provides valuable information, tips and encouragement for those who are seeking personal empowerment and expanded spiritual awareness.

If you would subscribe to ~The Monthly Oracle~, or sign up to be added to Darity’s Modern Day Oracle mailing list, please visit her website and subscribe!

To contact the author, please send an email to

Darity’s first book, You Can Transform Your Life, is an award winning book designed to to take you on a journey of personal growth and spiritual transformation. The companion workbook, You Can Transform Your Life ~ Go Deeper, is for those seeking a more in-depth exploration of the transformation process. Available on Amazon. Click here:


The second book in the series, How To Be the REAL You, helps you to break free from old patterns of conditioning and awaken to a greater sense of personal freedom and empowerment. The companion workbook, How To Be the REAL You ~ Go Deeper, is for those seeking a more in-depth exploration of the self-awakening process. Both available on AmazonClick here:


Darity is also the featured author in The Word Search Oracle – Yoga for the Brain, a puzzle book featuring Modern Day Oracle™ messages by Darity Wesley. Have fun while being inspired!

Also Available on Amazon. Click here:


Send Me On Vacation

Send Me On Vacation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that provides financially disadvantaged breast cancer survivors the opportunity to initiate the process of emotional healing through a vacation experience. Send Me On Vacation empowers survivors to reconnect with themselves on a rejuvenating vacation. Our vacation experiences have a profound effect on rebuilding the lives of breast cancer survivors after treatment. Our vacations are designed to strengthen the body, stimulate the mind and heal the spirit, creating a transformative journey into health and wellness.

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